Teristimewa buat suami dan anak-anak tersayang...
Kurniaan yang tidak ternilai dariNya...
Semoga kebahagiaan yang terbina...
Akan kekal selamanya dan semoga kita sekeluarga sentiasa berada di dalam rahmatNya....

Jumaat, 31 Ogos 2012

Petikan kata-kata motivasi dari Prof Dr. Muhaya

The Difference Between Being a Success and a Successful Life

Now, most people would consider this athlete "successful." He is rich beyond anyone's imagination. He has and will set world records. He will undoubtedly be elected into his Hall of Fame, most likely on the first ballot.

But he is not a successful human being. It is common knowledge that he is universally disliked.

This got me to t

hinking. I attended two funerals recently. One was the funeral of a man who was "successful" in the eyes of the world. That is, he made a lot of money. But he wasn't a terribly successful human being. He was estranged from his oldest son and hadn't spoken with him in years. He was a borderline alcoholic. There were other storms in his life. About 50 people will attend.

The other funeral was for a man who was not "successful" in the eyes of the world. You would have never given him a second look had you seen him in the store. He wasn't wealthy. He was not high-profile. Yet he was quite a successful human being. People were encouraged and built up by this man. People were better because he graced their lives, even in small ways. His funeral will have about 200 people there, paying their last respects. He would have never guessed there would be that many, yet after he died, people came out of the woodwork to speak highly of him.

So what is the difference? And can we be both "successful" and a successful human being. I believe that we can have both. I do believe it is hard because the accumulation of wealth takes time and time at work, which usually takes away from time doing things that foster human relationships. But it is possible.

It can be done by those who understand balanced living and are aggressive time and priority managers. Give yourself time to make your fortune or pursue your dreams, but give yourself time to make yourself a successful life as well.

Here are some tips for being a successful human being who has a successful life:

Love people, use things. People who become "successful" and miss a successful life are those who love things and use people. Be sure to put people as a priority for your life.
Take time off. Life isn't just about work. There is so much else to experience here in this life, and unfortunately, too little time to enjoy it.
Be a giver. Be someone who gives more than takes. Yes, we all have to take from time to time, but we should take only when we need to and give every time we have a chance to!
Be a life-long learner. I truly believe that we become better people as we learn. Take time throughout your life to grow and learn and become a better person.
Keep a sense of humor. People who laugh are a gift to the world. Don't take yourself or your circumstances to seriously. Learn to look on the bright side and see the humor in situations.
Honor your commitments. This is a key to a successful life. We live this life based on commitments we make toward one another. Those who honor those commitments are those who will be respected and trusted by others.
Mentor someone. Always take the time to mentor someone. I know this firsthand because of the energy a few people put into my life, sometimes just letting me know that they believed in me. This goes a long way and makes the world a better place!

I am sure there are other aspects of a successful life, but these are the simple ones that you can begin to apply today. Remember, you can work and become a success, and I encourage you to do so, but don't forget to live a successful life as well!

Chris Widener

Jumaat, 18 Mei 2012

Doa dimurahkan rezeki

"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kuberlindung dengan-Mu daripada duka dan kesedihan, kuberlindung dengan-Mu daripada lemah dan malas, kuberlindung dengan-Mu daripada hidup dirundung hutang dan penindasan"

"Ya Allah, apabila rezekiku ada di langit, maka turunkanlah, apabila di dalam bumi maka keluarkanlah, apabila di laut maka naikkanlah, apabila jauh maka dekatkanlah, sekiranya dekat maka permudahkanlah, dan sekiranya sedikit maka perbanyakkanlah dan sekiranya sedia banyak maka permudahkanlah untuk mendapatkannya , juga berilah keberkatan terhadap rezeki tersebut dan berikanlah rezeki padaku sebagaimana yang kujangka, dengan rezeki yang halal dan baik, serta banyak lagi keberkatan sehinggakan kutidak memerlukan sesiapa selain dari-Mu, dan jadikanlah kedua tanganku ini berada di atas dengan suka memberi dan menderma, dan jangan jadikan dua tanganku ini di bawah dengan suka meminta-minta, sesungguhnya Engkau amat berkuasa ke atas setiap sesuatu".

Khamis, 17 Mei 2012

Info : Hitungan 33 tasbih dengan jari

Air Zam-Zam

Air Zam-zam ada banyak keistimewaannya......

  • Air zam-zam berasal dari mata air syurga
  • Antara kekuasaan Allah di Tanah Suci
          Imam Ad-Daiba Asy-Syaibani berkata : "Di antara   
                kekuasaan Allah yang nyata ialah Hajar Aswad   
    serta terpancarnya air zam-zam setelah dikuis oleh Malaikat  
                   Jibril AS dengan tumit ataupun sayapnya"


  • Berkat doa daripada nabi Ibrahim AS
  • Air terbaik di bumi
Sabda Rasulullah SAW diriwayatkan dari Ibn Abbas yg bermaksud "Sebaik-baik air di muka bumi ialah air zam-zam,di dalamnya ada makanan  yg mengenyangkan dan ubat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit"

  • Diguna oleh malaikat untuk membasuh hati orang yang paling mulia iaitu Rasulullah
  • Tidak akan kering
  Sabda Rasulullah "  bahawa air zam-zam adalah air yang penuh keberkatan dan mengenyangkan. Allah akan memberikan kemuliaan kpd hamba yg dekehendaki-Nya sejak awal hingga waktu yg Dia kehendaki."

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Sekadar renungan bersama....

Ku Mahu SyurgaMu

Bila aku berjalan terus di lantai bumi
Ribuan indah ku lihat di mata
Ku lihat disana keindahan flora
Keunikan fauna memukau jiwa

Lantas hati ku bertanya
Begini hijau dunia
Bagaimana warnanya syurga?

Ya Allah kurniakan ku syurga
Jauhi aku dari neraka

Disini mengalir sungai yang jernih
Bagaimanakah syurga yang mengalir dingin
Mutiara sungai di bawahnya

Ku dipersembahkan dengan kecantikan manusia
Lantas ku terbayang
Ramahnya malaikat, Senyumnya bidadari disana

Ku mahu syurga-Mu
Pasti takkan sama
Tiada tara, tiada setandingnya

Ya Allah, ku usaha semampunya
Untuk mencintai-Mu sepenuhnya

Agar dapat aku bersama kekasih-Mu
Bersama pencinta-Mu disana
Di Mahligai Syurga